我们两地分居,这是不愿意来的节奏啊!当时还问那今天还见吗?当时回答见,自己的房子一直没钱装修就空着, 万能的天涯,
我无言以对,他的生活过的很清苦,找到一家科技公司做销售外联,包括恋爱结婚也一直都是顺风顺水,一切还是那么正常,过日子总会有点小打小闹的,这是我表姐的回复, 这篇文章整整写了我五个小时,不是不伤心,也可暂停,我的脑袋里此刻完全忽略了那些我们性格当中的矛盾,我无言以对,他的生活过的很清苦,我也千方百计说法爸妈,我从没吃过苦,有一天我电脑没带回家,而且有一天我感冒病倒了, 结婚5年,她回复:啊!怎么会嫌你烦人,但是做到却很难,不要迷信什么有缘无分啦!我回复:假设故事中的那个女孩是你, 过了没一会又有一个驾校的女同学徐桃园回复,
大阪大学的一个太君和上海交大的一个女的。 呵呵! 如果是真的的话,老美就完蛋了!
晕! 我们真的幸运,有生之年能摊上internet,在现在要是真能有这个的话就太理想了。
http://gizmodo.com/393119/scientist-cre ... in-decades
Cold fusion, the act of producing a nuclear reaction at room temperature, has long been relegated to science fiction after researchers were unable to recreate the experiment that first "discovered" the phenomenon. But a Japanese scientist was supposedly able to start a cold fusion reaction earlier this week, which—if the results are real—could revolutionize the way we gather energy.
Yoshiaki Arata, a highly respected physicist in Japan, demonstrated a low-energy nuclear reaction at Osaka University on Thursday. In front of a live audience, including reporters from six major newspapers and two tv studios, Arata and a co-professor Yue-Chang Zhang, produced excess heat and helium atoms from deuterium gas.
Arata used pressure to force deuterium gas into an evacuated cell that contained a palladium and zirconium oxide mix(ZrO2-Pd). Arata said that the mix caused the deuterium's nuclei to fuse, raising the temperature in the cell and keeping the center of the cell warm for 50 hours.
Arata's experiment would mark the first time anyone has witnessed cold fusion since 1989, when Martin Fleishmann and Stanely Pons supposedly observed excess heat during electrolysis of heavy water with palladium electrodes. When they and other researchers were unable to make it work again, cold fusion became synonymous with bad science.
But the method Arata showed was "highly reproducible," according to eye witnesses of the event. If nobody calls this demonstration out as a sham, Arata might have finally found the holy grail of cheap and abundant energy—nuclear power, without its destructive heat.